LifeStar Alliance
Members & Associates
Our Alliance Members include associates who have a skill set to share.
They are usually coached and always vetted by Holly Shantara
Please visit their sites and take advantage of their services.

Note From Holly
As a mentor for people in every industry, I find fulfillment in witnessing my clients' leadership journey of sharing their gifts, talents, and abilities. Alliance members include associates who have mentored, coached, or allied with me for a year or longer.
LifeStar Alliance Members and Associates add value to and receive benefits from the LifeStar Coaching®️ services. They become a part of my inner circle, and I refer them.
If you would like to be a part of LifeStar Alliance, please connect by getting on my calendar for a Connect Call.
To experience the services of our alliance members, please get in touch with them directly. They offer specials for those coming as a referral through Holly Shantara and LifeStar Coaching®️.

Digital Media Manager; Client and Support Specialist
Taylor Zipp
Hi! My name is Taylor.
I am a world traveler and work globally as a social media & digital marketing specialist for conscious entrepreneurs, coaches, and business owners so they can build a life they love and make the difference they were born to make.
Additionally, I am a dual license real estate agent in Colorado and New York City. I love referrals and helping my clients find their dream homes and businesses.
I am an "out of the box" thinker and world traveler, deep in my spiritual mindfulness practice. I love co-creating ideas with my clients that bring results.
Holly Shantara has been a mentor to me since her daughter, and I went to school together years ago in Sedona, Arizona. I can confidently say that working with her has been a very transformative experience.
I am looking forward to meeting you! You can find out more about me at hello@taylorzipp.com
Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master, Intuitive Guide with Heart Space Alchemy
Amy Rink, CCHT
Hi - I’m Amy. I feel you. Skilled as a deep empath, I guide you within so you can connect with the wisdom of your desires and discover, with peace, power, and play, what makes you come alive!

I specialize in all aspects of collaborative relationships internally, with different aspects of the self, and with external partnerships.
As an Alchemical Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master, and Intuitive Witness of Quantum Presence™️, I also enjoy coupling expanded awareness with inner journeying to support those on a healing path to align more fully with their hearts' desires.
I’ve had the pleasure of knowing Holly for 20+ years. Our connection has traversed from client to mentee to travel partner, colleague, and friend. It is my honor to be associated with her in this work.
I invite you to visit my website AmyRink.com for more. I look forward to meeting you.

Licensed Acupuncturist and Herbalist, Wellness Educator with Ohana Acupuncture Maui
Kayo Malik L.Ac., Dipl. OM
Aloha, my name is Kayo Malik.
I am a licensed acupuncturist, herbalist, and wellness educator practicing in Maui, HI, and Sedona, AZ. As an herbalist, I have over 30 years of experience and specialize in using essential oils in the context of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
I am passionate about empowering you to live in Abundant Health and nourishing your Destiny with Chinese herbs, essential oils, nutrition, lifestyle, mindfulness practices, and more.
I offer personal consultations and regular Zoom classes about all aspects of wellness.
I met Holly many years ago when she started seeing me for acupuncture in Sedona. Eventually, our paths connected in Maui as well. We started collaborating and teaching together and developed a deep friendship. I have also benefited greatly from coaching sessions with Holly and hold her skills in high esteem. It is thus a great pleasure and honor to be a part of this alliance.
To find out more about me, you can go to my clinic’s website:
http://www.villageacuherbs.com/ or contact me through Ohana Acupuncture Maui (928) 274-5251
or follow me on Instagram and Facebook @kayomalik.
I look forward to connecting with you!
Remote Personal Wellness Consultation:
This one-hour personal consultation includes an in-depth intake, during which we will discuss your health history and any health conditions you want to address.
I will offer guidance and tools such as Chinese herbs, essential oils, lifestyle, and nutrition, etc to support your path to Abundant Health.
*Fee: $120 for initial intake ($100 for follow-ups)
**Special for Holly Shantara and Associate clients: $80
Staying Healthy thru the Seasons Wellness Package - Holly Shantara Special:
Series of three monthly personal wellness consultations to support your optimal health throughout the season and beyond!
**Special : $200 (normally $320)
The Invitation
Becoming a LifeStar Alliance Member or Associate is by invitation and interest. There are perks and benefits. Please fill out the form below if you would like more information about adding your services and value to our client base.