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A Love Letter from the Divine

Updated: Jan 31, 2023

Over time we have come to know you. The trials and fears. Your prayers and heartaches. Your hopes and dreams. You may not always know that "I AM here," yet we assure you it is true. You are held as a dear child in the heart of Infinite Intelligence. Your divinity is contained within your soul. Though you may not always recognize yourself as divine, it is indeed true.

Through the blueprint of your life, you have faced many challenges to overcome. There is no one among you who has been immune to the changes experienced in the collective.

Whatever profession that identifies your value in the world, you hold one unique value - one thing in common with your brothers and sisters: you choose. You choose to make a difference, improve, inspire, make a better life. One cannot fault a hu-man for his transgressions if he wants to improve. The fault lies in 'not' choosing. To be unaware of the choices you are making on a day to day, moment by moment basis. For if you do not choose, life (and others) will decide for you.

This time is known as the Great Spiritual Reset. Think of it as a global awareness training program on the power of choice - your choice. The whole planet is supporting you in becoming more conscious about your ability to choose. What are your decisions? By bringing awareness to your options, you are better able to handle changes that come your way.

The greatest crime put towards humanity is the disempowerment of, and false belief instilled that says, 'you do not have the right or power to choose.' Let us clarify by saying that nothing could be further from the truth. For even in a dire moment, you are always free to choose. We suggest beginning to choose love. Love over fear. Love instead of hate. Love instead of confusion.

Who is the person to love most? It is you. Love you. For in loving yourself, it is easier to love your neighbor. Love truly makes the world go round. It is the single most potent evolutionary step you could make as a human species next to awareness of the power of your choices. When you get lost, ask yourself, 'what is my alternative?' What options do I have? Finally, 'what is my best and highest choice?' In doing so, you'll unlock possibilities that you may not have previously considered.

We close by saying, you are always free to choose right from wrong, but more importantly - choose and make conscious your choices.

With all devotion,


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