In the game of baseball, the curveball is one of those pitches you hope and pray you are well prepared. Even so, when it comes down the line, it still catches you off guard. Why? Because it is not a straight line, and it is unexpected. It is a curveball. It looks like it is going one way, and then it turns the other way midstream. If you are lucky, you can meet it and respond constructively.
Welcome to 2020 - The year of curveballs. Maybe this is how we get our vision corrected when we don't see eye to eye. It is challenging to see clearly. It means we have to pay even closer attention. We have to focus more on the details as well as the bigger picture.
January launched with a brand new year and a new decade. Then we crashed with going to war with Iran.
The lunar new year of the metal rat was launching in China, but the coronavirus crashed the festivities.
Kobe Bryant, Los Angeles Lakers NBA Champion, launched and crashed in the helicopter that was carrying eight other people, including his daughter.
All of this could seem super negative, and in some sense, it is. I spoke with clients who have been feeling like they have been thrown a few curveballs already in 2020.
There is, however, another perspective. Let me introduce you to 'what if...?'
What if the heart focused alignment and intention that my Iranian healer colleague and I did the night 5000 troops were being sent to Iran helped to diffuse the intensity of that polarity?
What if the essentials oil "Thieves" I used to help my daughter heal her staph infection on the bottom of her foot at three years old, is the preventative I can use to protect my family and me, my clients and my friends from the coronavirus?
What if the legacy Kobe Bryant left is the message to make the most out of our lives while still here, but be conscious along the way even in the throes of success, because life is short, so do good and be aware whose lives you are influencing besides your own?
What if the plan for our lives is better than we can imagine if we learn to trust and get out of our way and adjust to the learning curve?
What if, on our way to getting a 2020 vision, we need to adjust our perspective, our lens, to see another way through the challenges and difficulties life presents?
I heard of a young mother, a relative of a client, who has stage 3 breast cancer, and two small children. My client was saying how much her cousin is so sad. I was in meditation, and all I could feel was how much compassion I had for her. I felt how unhappy she was. I wanted to tell her to spend as much time as she could with her children laughing and playing and making happy memories so that when they were grown, it would be this that they remember most no matter what her prognosis or outcome of her condition would be.
A favored quote of mine that I tend to live by, which allows me to take risks, deep dive, and navigate the unknown: 'It is not what happens to you, but what you do with what happens to you that makes the difference.'
Maybe recovery means that all will heal in time. At the very least, it depends on how you see the situation, what lens you are using to look at the problem and solution. Keep that in mind as we progress through 2020. It does not mean we need to see everything as rainbows and butterflies. Maybe there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Perhaps there is a door opening to another reality. Maybe that curveball comes with a learning curve, but it might end up being the solution that allows us to hit that ball out of the park for good and to rise again.
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