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Welcome to Another Year on Planet Earth

Writer's picture: Holly Shantara Holly Shantara

The LifeStar Perspective for The New Year

Create * Innovate * Sovereignty * Alliances

How will you make this year work for you? It is a blank canvas.

I remind you that you are always at choice. Some tides you can navigate on your own. However, in a rip tide, you may need help if you don't know how to go with the energy of being swept out to sea without freaking out or learning how to swim sideways. Always in a rip tide, the energy is about staying calm first. Don't panic.

All of this is a metaphor for the current times. Though the fear and greed index is a marker of navigating and surviving financial shark-infested waters, it is only part of the story of how to swim against the current.

Low-level monetary markets may look sketchy. But high-level you are always provided for if you tap into your tool kit for transformation.

I mentioned that 2023 was going to be a year to Create and Innovate and that Sovereignty and Alliances would be necessary.

In your Lifestar lifestyle design, there are eight houses. Right now, we are exploring your financial and relationship houses. Take a self-assessment on how you are doing in these areas of your life. Time for a change? Tap your Leader With IN for new ways to play the earth game in 2023.

How these financial and relationship themes play out in the current year can be summarized in one sentence: When it comes to money, innovate and be creative by being sovereign in what is suitable for you while building strategic alliances to weather the storms.

It will help if you still yourself long enough to listen to your Leader Within through the cacophony of fearful statistics on the news channel.

Personally, when I hear a horn being blown in the world, I tap into the Divine channel, the INNERnet, and the World Wide Web of Creation to get the true pulse on life and current events. It helps to calm and let go and trust when you have a bigger perspective.

To be in the flow, you have to be willing to change. You can't be fixed or even attached to outcomes. It takes maturity to understand that the economy and relationships are constantly changing, like the weather. Don't freak out. It will take focus and discipline to create a successful year. I believe you can and will, if YOU think you can, you will!

Most relationships lately don't seem to weather the storms of change because we live in a sunny-side-up instant gratification type of society that wants everything always to be easy.

We are in flux yet have the divine opportunity to stabilize amidst change. Learn to be in the flow state. Hustle and Flow to make it go.

There is a saying in Gaelic, "When fishermen can't go to sea, they repair their nets."

Is it wrong the fisherman/woman can't go to sea? No. They get a chance to repair so that the next time they go to sea, they have fewer holes in their nets and their yields are larger. Plus, they are wise enough to read the sea and they know it is either time to cast the net or repair.

Use this time at the beginning of the year, to clear up your money beliefs. Is your Source of your supply the world, your job, your family? Or is it in you? You can RE-SOURCE!!

I will talk about money much this year and offer encouragement to eliminate the old story around money being a finite system. There is always enough.

The media pumps fear and greed. Because fear and greed sell. They trigger the animal limbic response and cause people to buy or sell from panic.

What wealthy and intelligent business people know is that when the market is in greed mode, they hold onto their coin. And when the market is in fear and everyone's holding, the smart investors buy. They build up their resources. They buy businesses.

Historically speaking, most millionaires are made during recessions. It's innovative. It's business.

Side note: The fear and greed strategy has never resonated with me. I would rather offer a solution to a problem then make my clients feel fear in order to get them to buy from me.

"Yeah, Holly but what about getting laid off my job? I don't have money to invest."

To you in a day job, I invite you to put energy elsewhere as you resource your income. Offer to walk dogs, drive people to the airport, or anything else. Think, "in the meantime, what can I do?" Think creatively, simply and outside of the box. Still, believe and build your dreams. Just be flexible to get you over the hump and through the season of transition. Expect good to come your way. And, when in doubt, help someone worse off than you. It will warm your heart, build good karma, and put you on the path of possibilities.

This is where the alliances' piece comes in handy. Business is about connection and relationship, no matter what your collar color seems to be.

What happens when a person loses their job? They not only get laid off, but they lose connections and relationships, thereby being a significant source of depression, fear, and hopelessness. So it's less about the job and the income that makes a depression happen, but the shift in people. Get yourself some alliances to support your self-reliance.

Get on the "coconut wireless," as we say in Hawaii. If you get laid off, or in between jobs, or quit, find people to talk to and swap ideas and a cup of sugar. Before cell phones and computers, this is what people did to make connections. Find good people through community outreach and business networking groups.

Experience play a role in seeing the possibilities of a level-up during a downturn.

Ask anyone who has been through the great depression, war, pandemics, or any other significant historical event. Some made it through, and some did not. Those who lived to tell tales survived and maybe even thrived. Find stories of inspiration for transformation.

Talk to people. Get connected. Lean into getting advice and help. Take your sovereign self and make this time your own.

Focus on the themes of the new year: Create. Innovate. Sovereignty. Alliances.

You can do this. I have been through many changes as a woman, an entrepreneur, and a solopreneur with a referral-based business for the last three decades. I learn every time there is a "tremor in the Force." I find new ways to help and serve and offer value.

Business is all about alliances, be it Business to Business, Customer to Customer, or Business to Customer.

You can't "cut" your way to prosperity by cutting everyone out. Find the overlooked opportunities. Ask for Divine Guidance. Download your energetic LifeStar. Build out your lifestyle design and clean up your financial and relationship houses.

2023 is a "seven" year. Seven is a compelling spiritual number of movement and rest. I think we have to look up, more than down. Look within more than in the crazy simulated "reality" of tell-a-vision. Change the channel. Get a new program. Go to nature to restore if you can or even by doing a guided meditation. Find ways to enjoy your journey by staying connected to the inspired realms where insight is accessible.

Earlier, I said I wasn't getting the vibe of a recession. And in the upper realms, I don't see it being authentic. But I live in two worlds. And this world is falling away to make room for a better one. This world is unveiling itself as more people wake up to the interconnectedness of all life. We have to get it, and so far, humanity has not. We will overcome. Just stay connected to each other. The pandemic had us isolated. But we made it through that gauntlet for the most part.

More suggestions for navigating these waters:

Do activities that improve the focus and effectiveness of things you're doing now. Identify quick impact opportunities in three sectors:

  1. Be effective. Focus on prioritizing critical areas of growth.

  2. Be proactive versus reactive

  3. Be adjustable and willing to switch when what you are doing is not working.

  4. Be grateful. Counting your blessings is one way to feel abundant.

What are key areas to make a priority now?

What should you be emphasizing?

Get quiet and attune to your Leader Within and focus on your financial and relationship houses. Do some internal and external housecleaning.

And remember from one of the best fear and greed patriarchs, Warren Buffett, "Be fearful when others are greedy, and greedy when others are fearful."

I know. Fear and greed are not my jam either. Yet, we need to see what is happening in the world of form so we can transform everything made for wrong and turn it it into good. We have that opportunity and responsibility to keep our finger on the pulse. Just be mindful, it takes discipline to not get sucked into the problem while trying to be a force for good. Be wise.

"Follow the Divine Pattern that sustains all of life. When others are forgetting, you will be remembering. Let love lead the way and be wise in your choices, act with power for the good of yourself and the whole, and you cannot fail in this world or the next."

And, so the wheel turns again. Make friends with the sharks. They are teachers too. Let go, if the rip tide takes you out. Then find a new side angle to get you back to shore. This can be a very abundant time. Create it so.

You are invited to get on a Free Connect Call with me to learn how to navigate this new year, your way.

© Copyright 2023. All Rights Reserved. Holly Shantara - Divining the Divine®️ On The Go Guidance & LifeStar Coaching®️ For The New Human Leader


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